BETiS hotline

Subscription summary

  • You are getting access to a team of experts that will do their best to help you with any car related problem.
  • The first 30 days are free, then £79 per month.
  • If you are in a hurry and need consultation quickly, mark the appropriate checkbox in the form below and we will call you as soon as possible (usually within 15 minutes after successful registration).
  • Normally within 1 working hour your number will become authorised to reach the BETiS hotline (and no later than on the next working day).
  • You will get an email confirmation after your registration is processed which will contain the hotline number.
  • BETiS hotline operates on weekdays between 07:00 a.m. and 03:00 p.m.
  • You can cancel the subscription at any time.